Event Insurance Jargon Buster
At Insure Our Event, we like to make it easy for our customers. We completely understand that the insurance world can seem a bit confusing.
Welcome to the Insure Our Event blog, the go to source for event news and insight. We share our thoughts and expertise on a wide range of topics, including event planning and risk mitigation advice.
At Insure Our Event, we like to make it easy for our customers. We completely understand that the insurance world can seem a bit confusing.
How to deal with the press if something happens at your event Publicity can be a wonderful thing. Publicity sells tickets. Publicity builds excitement. Publicity
The events industry has always led the way when it comes to new customer-focused technology. As a group, event managers are constantly pushing the boundaries
Quite often on Insure Our Event, we’re asked what the point of buying event insurance is. We completely get it; when you think of insurance,
We’re often asked what separates us from the rest. What is it that makes the event insurance we provide, better than the policies available from
We sometimes get questions from people asking why they need event insurance. To us, there’s a pretty simple answer; you can’t afford not to have
This week, ticketing giant, Ticketmaster, announced that it will close two of its subsidiary sites, Seatwave and Get Me In. The two websites, which are
Unfortunately, festivals get cancelled. It’s not something we like to think about when we’re planning our events, but it’s a reality that we might have
Doing work for charity must be up there with the most rewarding things you can do. And if you’re currently planning a charity event, we
We take a look at the four key points you need to look out for in your event insurance policy.
Worried you’ve forgotten something when planning your event? Check out our event planning checklist.
Social media is a powerful way to connect with your community and promote your event. But are you making the most of your channels?
What should you do if the police or council force you to cancel your event?
Do you know the types of event insurance you need to make sure you’r covered for all the ‘what ifs’?
Every decision we make as a business is made to improve the customer experience. We’ll always put you first because, without you, we don’t have a business.
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Insure Our Event is a trading name of JSV Events Ltd. JSV Events Ltd is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) | Registered Company Number 10712264