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Insure Our Event wellbeing report results announced

December 18, 2019

Our wellbeing report has discovered that key initiatives have helped keep our team happy and healthy this year.

Here at Insure Our Event, we’ve been working hard to implement wellbeing initiatives for our team members. We’re rated 9 out of 10 for our health and wellbeing focus, and this number has increased by 22% in the last twelve months due to our investment in wellbeing.

Through our partnership with hero, we offer a wellness app. This contains online information, advice and resources. The team at hero wellbeing also visit us to provide an annual health check, as well as regular on-site seminars. There’s been a 13% increase in staff participation in wellbeing initiatives.

We encourage our staff to take a break and get away from their desk at lunchtimes, as well as to keep fit in their own time too. We offer Pilates, mindfulness classes and lunchtime walks at Insure Our Event. This not only improves physical health, but exercise and social events are proven to have a positive impact on mental health too. In the past twelve months, our staff are 33% happier and there’s been a 16.5% increase in physical activity. 

Wellbeing and the events industry

The events industry was voted the 5th most stressful, with one in three event professionals suffering from mental health issues at some point in their career. It seems the industry is still catching up when it comes to helping employees deal with mental health issues. Employers must realise the importance of workplace wellbeing, and support its employees where possible. For the event industry specifically, ensuring employees are encouraged to take breaks and eat healthily could be particularly important. Long, frantic days often leave little time for meal prep and a proper lunch break but it’s vital employees get time to refresh and recharge. Experts have also suggested dedicating short bursts of time throughout the week to discuss any aspects of working life causing stress, anxiety or depression.

15% of events professionals don’t feel able to ask for help in dealing with stress. At Insure Our Event we have a dedicated team of wellbeing champions and our management team have received specialist mental health training, so our staff always feel supported and know there are several people within the business they can talk to.

100% of Insure Our Event staff would recommend working here. It’s important employees are your biggest advocates, as they’re the people championing and representing your business.

For the latest event industry advice, follow us on Twitter or get in touch with the team!

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