We offer extensions to your policy where required, with additional cover providing peace of mind.
The unpredictable nature of weather makes it hard to plan an event around the rain or sunshine. Sometimes you have to take a slight risk and hope bad weather doesn’t cause the cancellation of your event. As we know, sometimes the worst does happen – and that’s when Adverse Weather Cover saves the day.
This protects you if you must cancel or abandon your event due to adverse weather conditions.
Event Cancellation Cover will protect you for money you have already invested if you have to cancel your event. But what about the revenue you were expecting to make?
Lost revenue can be included as additional cover, but only if you can prove the amount your cancelled or abandoned event was set to make.
You can extend your cover to include cancellation or abandonment caused by terrorism or threat of terrorism. While terrorism is unlikely to cause disruption at your event, you can never be too careful.
Please note that this won’t cover you for loss of sales / revenue due to fear of terrorism, loss of attraction or loss of footfall in your event’s local area.
Please be aware, Insure Our Event no longer provides Non Appearance Cover.
Get an instant quote today and find out how much cover you need to be fully financially protected.
Insure Our Event is a specialist event insurance broker. We work with insurance companies to get you the best possible cover at the best price. Just let us know a few details about your event and we’ll do the rest.
Romero House, 8 Airport West, Lancaster Way, Leeds, Yorkshire, LS19 7ZA
Calls to this number will cost your telephone company’s standard access charge. Calls are recorded for training purposes.
Insure Our Event is a trading name of Club Insure Ltd. Club Insure Ltd is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) | Registered Company Number 03535054