Hosting a King Charles’ Coronation Street Party?
Celebrations for the King’s Coronation will take place on Saturday 6th May, with a new bank holiday announced for the following Monday 8th May. If you are planning to hold a commemorative street party, viewing party, concert, fair or garden party, then Insure Our Event are here to guide your decision-making.
Do I need Coronation insurance to have a Street Party?
Click to here See the Answer to the Question
This may well be the first time you’ve organised a public event, or you gained some experience from our late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, or maybe you are a professional event organiser. Insure Our Event’s street party insurance is flexible and ideal for comprehensively covering all your needs.
There are a few rules and regulations that need to be adhered to before the resumption of a successful Coronation party. These go alongside the many considerations over safety, cancellation and liability that need to be addressed and documented. Below, Insure Our Event has listed the most commonly asked questions for street parties, and provided detailed answers to ensure your King Charles’ Coronation street party is a grand affair.
Here are 8 questions to consider when organising a King Charles’ Coronation Street Party…

1. What date should I hold my King’s Coronation street party?
Most street parties will be held on the day of the coronation, Saturday 6th May. You can schedule your coronation party for anytime over the bank holiday weekend. Though we expect most to be using Sunday as a recovery day and Monday to get all the weekend chores done.
2. Do I need to register the street party?
There is a government registration form available for the organisation of any street party. Large events with amplified music and alcohol will require a Temporary Event Notice which covers events of up to 500 people – this can be purchased with permission from the local council.
Smaller events, which include parties on driveways or private land, may not need to be registered. Parties should not block roads as it is an illegal offence, potentially inhibiting amblances and emergency services. Organisers of parties that obstruct, or cause a ‘nuisance’ with disorder, could find themselves facing a 51 week prison sentence. Register your street party, get insurance, and pay attention to the rules in order to avoid incrimination.
All Coronation street parties, large and small, can map their event with the help of virtual tools such as OnePlan. This assists organisers in drawing the areas, mapping the location where your street party is planned to be held. And best of all, it’s free. Online event advertisers such as Eventbrite are then ideal for getting locals to come down to your party or fundraiser.
3. What types of licenses do I need to run a street party?
One off events such as a street party do not require a food license to serve food, however ensure the food is safe to eat otherwise you, the organiser, could be made liable.
To sell food or alcohol for money, this will require a license. For approval you should register for a license 28 days before the event. Penalties of selling food without a license includes fines and imprisonment of up to 2 years.
Some councils require purchase of public liability insurance for street parties. This ensures the organiser is covered against accident, injury, illness and damage to third-party property. Whilst street party insurance is not required by law, it is highly recommended, protecting you in the event of a claim.
A risk assessment is highly recommended. At Insure Our Event, we have a safety checklist available, including some of the measure expected to be in place at an event.

4. Can I have the road closed for a street party?
Some councils have announced they will waive the fees of road closures, however this may not be accurate for your specific location. Check your council’s webpage for information.
Road closures are an available option. If you require the road to be closed on your street, the council will need to be informed in order to enforce a temporary traffic regulation order. This may need to be done six weeks before the event, however we expect the council will be prepared for many requests both before and during the bank holiday weekend.
If the council will not close your road, you can have a street meet involving a small party a the front of your premises. Just make sure no walkways are blocked and children are aware of road users. For this type of event, we would recommend comprehensive garden party insurance, covering the organiser in the event of damage, injury or a claim.
5. What if it rains on the day of my street party?
British weather is always temperamental, and at any moment the heavens could open. But don’t let this spoil your big day with our adverse weather insurance. We cover any financial losses following the cancellation of an event due to bad weather if your event is taking place outdoors or within a temporary structure – such as a street party.
Let’s say you hire a performer, pay for food and drinks or rent equipment; our additional comprehensive covers will insure the costs should your party be cancelled due to bad weather.
6. Is my street party covered if the King dies before the date of the Coronation?
Although we do provide cover for cancellation and postponement, unfortunately we will not be able to insure for the costs of the party if it doesn’t go ahead due to national mourning (please check your policy wording). Our street party cancellation cover will be able to cover abandonment due to reasons beyond your control and adverse weather.
7. What if someone has an accident at my street party?
Alcohol, joyous celebrations and glorious British weather could all result in a little bit too much fun. Accidents and third party damage are too common an occurrence at street and garden parties.
Public Liability Insurance for King Charles’ Coronation street parties is recommended in case your neighbourly guests suffer an accident or illness and decides to then claim against you. While you might hope this would never happen in good faith – you can never be certain!
Protect your finances with comprehensive public liability insurance for street parties. Give yourself the piece of mind before the event and focus on delivering the best possible experience without the worry of cancellation or claim.
8. How can I watch and stream the King’s Coronation?
In 1953, Queen Elizabeth II made history by becoming the first British monarch to televise her coronation. Overall it is estimated that around 20 million people tuned in to watch that historic moment.
The exact details of King Charles III’s coronation have not yet been revealed, but it is likely to be a historic spectacle that is broadcast in all parts of the world. The BBC will surely stream the full proceedings so do make sure you have your TV license in order. Both the precession and the ceremony will be shown, as will the following garden party we expect, featuring many of the UK’s greatest musical artists.
Bonus Question – Do I need coronation insurance to have a Street Party?
There are three instances where you would require insurance:
- Your council requires you to have public liability insurance in place in order to host a street party. This covers the liabilty of the event runner, in case of injury, slips, trips and poisonings.
(Insure Our Event offer the lowest public liability policy limits at the best price! See here) - You are having a public gathering, where members of the public who you don’t know are attending. All events which permit general access to the general public require event insurance.
- You are employing staff or volunteers. All staff, paid or unpaid, can claim against their ’employer’ the event manager, and therefore you will require insurance to protect your finances, and to protect them.
Read our information to learn more about all things Street Party Insurance and to start the process of arranging manadatory event insurance.
Still unsure? Receive a Free Quote for your event today!

King’s Coronation Event Insurance
Insure Our Event is offering a special one-off insurance policy for King Charles’ Coronation. Whether it’s a street party, garden party, festival, concert, market, fun-day or fair; celebrate the occasion safely with our one-off King’s Coronation event insurance.