Here at Insure Our Event, we cover a range of events from community fun days and exhibitions right through to private parties, sporting events and craft fairs.
Take a look at the events we cover, or use our search facility to find your event type. If you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, don’t worry! We might still be able to help. Just get in touch with the team.
Every decision we make as a business is made to improve the customer experience. We’ll always put you first because, without you, we don’t have a business.
Romero House, 8 Airport West, Lancaster Way, Leeds, Yorkshire, LS19 7ZA
Calls to this number will cost your telephone company’s standard access charge. Calls are recorded for training purposes.
Insure Our Event is a trading name of Club Insure Ltd. Club Insure Ltd is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) | Registered Company Number 03535054