Insure Our Event offers a range of comprehensive cover options to make sure your event’s covered, whatever happens.
If you’re not sure what combination of cover you need for your event, speak to our award-winning team.
Our Policy Wording details all our exclusions, and highlights what is meant by certain terms. Please read all Policy Wording thoroughly before taking out insurance with us to confirm that our policy meets your individual needs.
Every decision we make as a business is made to improve the customer experience. We’ll always put you first because, without you, we don’t have a business.
Romero House, 8 Airport West, Lancaster Way, Leeds, Yorkshire, LS19 7ZA
Calls to this number will cost your telephone company’s standard access charge. Calls are recorded for training purposes.
Insure Our Event is a trading name of Club Insure Ltd. Club Insure Ltd is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) | Registered Company Number 03535054